
1830s Resettlement
into Indian Territory

1840s Emigrants
cross the Great Plains

1851 Meeting at
Fort Laramie

1864 The Long Walk
of the Navajo

1864 Massacre at
Sand Creek

1865-9 Clearing the Central Plains
for the Railroad

1872-3 Killing
the Buffalo

1874-5 Red River War

1866-8 War over the
Bozeman Trail
(Red Cloud's War)

1876 The Battle of the Little Big Horn

Overview: The Great Plains

Massacre at the Bend
of the Marias River 1870

Allotment Act 1887
and Assimilation

native american.co.uk. for the American West

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Piegans  by Charles Russell, 1916

Piegans by Charles Russell, 1916

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© Chris Smallbone March2006